Traditional Slovak cuisine

Our objective is to  prepare  traditional Slovak dishes and drinks. We can show you and teach you how to prepare tasty and traditional Slovak dishes on your own.

Every Slovak region has its own traditional meals which is made of ingredients grown in the particular region. In the north people used to grow potatoes and cabbage or vegetables like carrots, beat, onion and in the south people used to grow and eat vegetables like tomatoes, green pepper and a lot of fruits. people used to grow cattle, sheep and poultry. 

This is refelected also in our cuisine. Typical dishes are  made from potatoes and beef or sheep or sweet dishes with fruit or marmelade. 

The most famous and popular dishes are potatoe pancakes called haruľa, sweet pancakes called palacinky, sweet balls filled with fruit, soup from sour cabbabge, smoked sausages, small batter balls with fried bacon and shhep cheese called halušky and many others. Popular ingredients are nuts, poppy seed, sugar and butter.

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